如何开发大型 composer package(像 Google Cloud SDK 那样的)
使用 Google Cloud PHP SDK 时可以发现 replaces 字段有很多小包可以单独安装,为什么这么做,怎么实现的呢?
其实这是“开发大型 composer package 的最佳实践”:
大型 library 包含多个平级模块,在一个仓库里开发,发布一个大包 composer package,并且通过脚本拆分成多个子仓库,发布多个小型子包(sub package)。
- 大包:开发方便,重度用户可一次安装所有功能。
- 子包:按需安装,体积小速度快。
- 在 GitHub 创建主包仓库:网页操作,只发生一次,无需自动化;
- 把主包 submit 到 packagist.org:网页操作,只发生一次,无需自动化;
- 主包一个功能开发完毕,代码合并到 master,创建 git tag(触发 packagist.org 发布新版本):命令操作,发生几次,可考虑自动化;
- 把主包按目录拆分成子包,创建多个仓库,推代码,创建 git tag:命令操作,发生多次,应该自动化;
- 把每个子包 submit 到 packagist.org:网页操作,发生多次,应该自动化,但难以实现;
- 拆分 Git 仓库:用 Git SubSplit。
- 创建 Git 仓库:当然不能通过 git 命令(它们都是用来操作已存在的仓库),需要用 GitHub 官方 cli:hub。怎么认证呢?可以用密码或 TOKEN(文档)。当然不能泄露密码,而应该在 GitHub 创建一个 Personal access token。
- 创建 Git tag:一个包时,往往手动创建 tag,并不麻烦。而几十个子包这么做会累死,需要把版本号放在代码里,程序提取用来打 tag。放在哪里才符合标准呢?查看 composer 官方文档,发现
可用 version 字段,当然这就需要再写代码解析 json,而不标准但省事的办法是像 Google 那样用单独的 VERSION 文件。 - 自动化:当然是用 持续集成(CI),GitHub 生态圈的 CircleCI、Travis-CI 都非常成熟,本文以 CircleCI 为例,把上面的步骤跑起来。 如果 CI 使用开发者的名义进行自动提交,会导致 git history 混乱,不利于排查问题。所以可以考虑创建一个机器人账号,GitHub 文档支持这种用法:
User accounts are intended for humans, but you can give one to a robot, such as a continuous integration bot, if necessary.
拆分 Git 仓库:split-packages.sh
set -e
# 在主包目录里进行拆分
rm -rf .subsplit
git subsplit init "$(git config --get remote.origin.url)"
git subsplit update
# 查找所有子包的 composer.json,比如 Bigtable/composer.json
find -- */composer.json | while IFS='' read -r file; do
# target: googleapis/google-cloud-php-bigtable.git
target="$(php get-value-from-json-file.php "$file" extra.component.target)"
# repo_uri: googleapis/google-cloud-php-bigtable
repo_uri=$(echo "$target" | cut -d "." -f1)
# desc: Cloud Bigtable Client for PHP
desc=$(php get-value-from-json-file.php "$file" description)
# dir_name: Bigtable
dir_name=$(dirname "$file")
# 创建子包仓库
hub create -d "$desc" "$repo_uri"
# 推子包代码
git subsplit publish \
"$dir_name":git@github.com:"$target" \
--heads=master \
# create tag
echo -e "\ncreate tag"
version=$(php get-value-from-json-file.php "$file" version)
repo_name=$(echo "$repo_uri" | cut -d "/" -f2)
rm -rf /tmp/"$repo_name"
pushd /tmp/
git clone git@github.com:"$target"
pushd /tmp/"$repo_name"
tag_exists=$(git ls-remote origin refs/tags/"$version")
if [ -z "$tag_exists" ]; then
git tag -a "$version" -m 'new version'
git push --tags
pushd +2
dirs -c
dirs -v
CircleCI 配置:config.yml
version: 2 # use CircleCI 2.0
jobs: # a collection of steps
build: # runs not using Workflows must have a `build` job as entry point
docker: # run the steps with Docker
- image: circleci/php:7.2-node-browsers # ...with this image as the primary container; this is where all `steps` will run
working_directory: ~/laravel # directory where steps will run
steps: # a set of executable commands
- checkout # special step to check out source code to working directory
- run:
name: Avoid hosts unknown for github # HACK circleci bug. https://discuss.circleci.com/t/git-clone-fails-in-circle-2-0/15211/11
command: mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ && echo -e "Host github.com\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" > ~/.ssh/config
- run: if [ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" != "master" ]; then git fetch --force origin master:master; fi # fuck circleci bug. https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015659247-How-do-I-modify-the-checkout-step-
- run:
command: |
sudo -E docker-php-ext-enable opcache
sudo composer self-update
- run:
command: |
sudo apt install -y python-pip
sudo -H pip install mkdocs
- restore_cache: # special step to restore the dependency cache if `composer.json` does not change
- composer-v1-
# fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found (See https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/caching/)
- composer-v1-
- run: composer install -n --prefer-dist
- save_cache: # special step to save the dependency cache with the `composer.json` cache key template
key: composer-v1-
- vendor
- run:
command: |
- save_cache:
key: v1-repo-
- ~/laravel
- image: circleci/php:7.2-node-browsers
working_directory: ~/laravel
- restore_cache:
- v1-repo-
- run:
name: Avoid hosts unknown for github
command: mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ && echo -e "Host github.com\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" > ~/.ssh/config
- run:
name: Install and configure dependencies
command: |
sudo npm install -g --silent gh-pages
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}
git config --global user.email "sinkcup+cyborg@gmail.com"
git config --global user.name "Cyborg Girl"
- add_ssh_keys:
- "8d:4d:a0:2f:19:d2:d9:8c:ed:83:2c:20:bc:aa:32:f0"
- run:
name: Install subsplit and hub
command: |
sudo wget -O "$(git --exec-path)"/git-subsplit https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dflydev/git-subsplit/master/git-subsplit.sh
sudo chmod +x "$(git --exec-path)"/git-subsplit
wget -O /tmp/hub.tgz https://github.com/github/hub/releases/download/v2.11.2/hub-linux-amd64-2.11.2.tgz
mkdir -p ~/hub
tar -C ~/hub -zxvf /tmp/hub.tgz --strip-components=1
sudo ln -s `realpath ~/hub/bin/hub` /usr/local/bin/
- run:
name: auto split packages, push code and tag to new repo. but need submit to packagist.org manually, because it have no API to submit.
command: ./split-packages.sh
- run:
name: create a tag from the version of composer.json, then packagist.org will release a new version automatically.
command: ./create-tag-from-composer-version.sh
- run:
name: Deploy docs to gh-pages branch
command: gh-pages --dotfiles --message "[skip ci] Updates" --dist site
version: 2
- build
- deploy:
- build
only: master
完整代码请看:socialite-providers,这是我做的 Laravel 微信登录包,不止实现了自动拆分,还实现了自动生成文档发布到 GitHub Pages,可自行了解,本文不再细说。
下面我们来看一下各家云计算厂商的 composer package:
云计算厂商 | 开源技术水平 | 技术细节 | packagist.org |
Google Cloud | ★★★★★ | 子包自动发布 | google/cloud |
阿里云 | ★★☆☆☆ | 子包手动发布,有个严重错误:没整明白版本号,强行让子包和主包版本号一致,导致不匹配 | alibabacloud/sdk |
腾讯云 | ★☆☆☆☆ | 不会用子包,名字太长冗余了 | tencentcloud/tencentcloud-sdk-php |
金山云 | ☆☆☆☆☆ | 不会用子包,名字还起错了(不符合 Domain/URL Slug 规范) | kscsdk/ksyun_sdk |